25 year old dating 21 year old reddit. 33 and 25 is a more reasonable age to date. 25 year old dating 21 year old reddit

 33 and 25 is a more reasonable age to date25 year old dating 21 year old reddit  My friend who is 18 and in high school is dating a 22 year old man and although I haven't told her I find it to be weird

As such I would suggest pondering whether the 25 year old is of a. Normally i’d say 36-44. Under 21 rarely have a clue what they want out of their life, and if they do, it's almost. . If a 55yr old starts dating a 51yr old, nobody would even ask their ages. The rule for the older person is half-your-age-plus-seven. You can enjoy your crush or attempt to move on. However, I am most likely inexperienced when it comes to dating so I can't really relate. However I’ve been dating a 33F female I met organically and neither of us cared. ago. I'm 25. To me, a 21 year old is more akin to a 16 year old dating a 12 year old. Or for larger age gaps: A 37-year-old man dating a 23-year-old woman is a bit concerning. The man is 32, the woman is 21. A 25 yr old going out with a 34 yr old is a lot less problematic than a 21-30 age gap. BigSexy606 • 11 yr. Advertisement The question quickly went viral, garnering nearly 20,000 replies in the span of 24 hours. Is it weird as a 21 year old to be dating someone who's 26? I (21F) met this girl (26F) online about half a year ago. I think the bigger question is: Would the 25 year old girl date the 21 year old guy? we don't mind dating older girls because regardless of what everything says about "girls mature faster", it isn't true. No one cares as it's a 4 year difference. Just wanted your take on the age difference. No disrespect intended. 21 and 25 are absolutely fine. In my twenties I thought a 5 year age gap was acceptable. Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. Therefore, I will graduate at 26. I’m a 25m undergraduate student, heading towards his final year of university. I would say, on average, a 21-30 age gap is way too large — whereas a 21 yr old is still in college a 30 yr old has been in the working world for 8 yrs. 21 year old dating 25 year old? We need to watch out for predatory age gaps involving younger people so I was wondering, what would you make of this kind of relationship?. 5 year old without being considered a little creepy. Well as a 25 year old dating a 21 year old I have to say- it has its ups and downs. We make fun of each other with things that show our age difference but no. For example, the anatomy and mentality of a person is developing differently between ages of 0-5, 5-12, 12-18, 18-25. I'm apparently an "old soul" (19 year olds felt like babies to me when I was 19 too) but if I was dating someone that young it would. Answer (1 of 10): Okay I'll be blunt here. A friend of mine was 21, he dated an 18 year old girl. I'll go as young as 21, prefer over 23, 25--28 is ideal, 33 is as old as I'll go. So a 45 year old man dating a 33 year old woman is mentally and physically appropriate. But a 35 year old man dating a 23 year old would more than likely be vastly different in terms of maturity. In your thirties, ten years is ok (like a 40 year old dating a 30 year old) and anything goes if both adults are over 40. e. We developed feelings for each other and we told. ago. Ballplayerx97 • 5 yr. Skinnwork • 2 yr. I'm dating someone who is 25 and I'm 21. I wouldn't say you're a creeper, but the relationship would look a little sketchy to me, just because of the differences in life experience between 18 and 23. Awesome! I've usually dated women 3 - 5 years older than me, though never that much younger. A 21 year old with a 17 year old's maturity level is a red flag all on it's own. 25÷2+7=19. EmDubya748 • 2 yr. It's not so much the age difference, but the ages you're at. There is a huge difference between that 25 year old dating five or six years their senior and dating. Flip the roles and people would call her a predator. You are asking a ridiculous question to which the answer is obvious. Men are in their “high commitment” years from the ages 28-32, so I find men in their late 20s to early 30s to be ideal. No, but mainly because 20 year old girls are in college and/or leading a totally different life than 30 year old guys. ago. Sexually a perfect match. Older, higher status, confident, mature. I find most women. f. balming9 • 1 yr. The only thing I'm going to say is: take a good long time to think about the maturity differences between a 23 year old and a 35 year old. This is based off what men and women look for as a partner. Just be prepared to deal with someone with different life experiences. My boyfriend and I started dating when I was 19 and he was 25, we have been together for a year and a half now. 33 and 25 is a more reasonable age to date. Many people felt like the age gap between a 19-year-old and a 30-year-old was huge red flag. ago. And your right at the attractive position for them. When women do it "you go girl!". IMO if both get over 18 or better 20, the age difference becomes less weird for your surroundings. We REALLY hit it off and I love her to death. They can date each other if they want to. Some of the comments here are just moronic. The maturity difference between a 21-year-old man and. ago. Answer (1 of 29): If the dating relationship is mostly about fooling around and having fun, then probably. It's not terrible, but just be aware that even if the 3 years difference isn't much, you two are at different stages of life. If you like someone then date them, as long as it's legal of course. My mum has been with her current (same sex) partner for. Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit. Advertisement. My friend who is 18 and in high school is dating a 22 year old man and although I haven't told her I find it to be weird. IMO he's 25. That outsiders agree with the relationship or. Ya, it's acceptable. A 30 year old guy and a 25 year old girl is a bit more reasonable. yes, we like dating older girls. The question quickly went viral, garnering nearly 20,000 replies in the span of 24 hours. Many people felt like the age gap between a 19-year-old and a. Plus you can feel out if he's even interested in you, if not then it's a moot point anyway. But the issue with the age rule is that it doesn't take into account the maturity difference between an 18 year old and a 21 year old. No its completely reasonable. My other friend who is 20 is also dating a 32 year old man. If they're legal, and you weren't grooming them as kids, it's not. Dating as a male 25 year-old college student. Us young people are out to have fun and we are going to act childish sometimes. He's 21 and you're 36. Yes because when men do it they're predators. Not every guy is looking to hookup and if you think hes a nice guy then go with your gut. They can drive cars, they can drink, they can vote, they can get tattoos, they can own proprety. A 21 and 25 year old have the same age difference, but they are closer to the same area in life experience. Someone 21 should be dating someone closer to themselves in terms of maturity. I’m a 25 year old woman and I could never even contemplate going out with an 18 year old boy it would just feel wrong for me personally, Once both are consenting adults I don’t see a problem albeit a little unusual my friend is French and was in a relationship with a 36 year old French guy at 17 (age of consent here) and I found that shocking as many would but. 1) While 28 year old will probably have graduated college and have a job, 21 year old will be towards end of college and looking for a job. and I found that to be weird as well. If the woman is looking to get into a serious relationship, then it's not very likely that she's going to want to date a 21-year-old. ago. 19 year olds feel like babies to me. 42M. She flat out says that he has the mind of 25 year old and of course he'd say they can try because he's immature. Now that I'm 29, I'm even hesitant to date 23 year olds. Of course you are. Han_Can • 9 yr. You are just about old enough for him. ago. Having not met on OLD it actually wasn’t even brought up specifically until like date 2 or 3. I'm a 23 year old male dating a 37 year old female. El_Nino09 • 5 yr. The age is a minor thing, it more depends on who you both are and what you want out of life. But like others have said, really once both parties are 21 age doesn’t really matter anymore, if you want to date someone who is 46 as a 21 year old go right ahead. Some of it is different maturity levels, some of it is different stage in life (though I'm still a grad student, so I have no problem dating students), some of it is the sheer flak a 30 year old. ago. I think you do a lot of growing up btw 21 and 25. :) peppermind • 11 yr. So the 27 year old can date a 20. 5. A 25 year old shouldn't be dating a 19 year old. If you at 18 started dating a 14yr old, that's a problem. When I was 25, I think I would have been a bit hesitant, but willing to date a 21 year old. She couldn't go out with him to the bars when the rest of us could and it led to her getting controlling and ended up pulling him away from us. Never touched a girl younger than 21. At least then you can see if you really have a chance together or not. They are both adults in every country of the world. I'm kind of mature and she's kind of young and we always say we meet each other at 30. Heck im 25 and and college already feels like a while ago. Take the time to really think about how much people grow and change in their 20s, compared to their 30s or 40s (in case you don't know, people change a lot in their 20s, not so much in their later years).